Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today was a day filled with laughter and joy! We started off by stopping at the Terre Promise School. We saw many classrooms filled with a variety of kids at all ages! They wear uniforms and sit in very small rooms. They know some English which made it fun to talk with them! They are fed through Feed My Starving Children food packets. We then headed to our first water truck stop. As we were getting off of the top top (the vehicle that transports us), kids ran to us waiting to be picked up and held. The desperation of these children and the people in Cite Soley was heart breaking to experience. We walked down a path that led to a shore by the ocean of garbage and shacks. We learned that people have to pay to go to the bathroom; otherwise they go to the bathroom outside. We sang and danced with the children by the shore. Their laughter and joy covered the horrible scenery and circumstances around us. These kids brought us so much joy. They taught us that you don’t need materialistic things to keep you happy. We repeated, “God is so good!” singing it over and over, reminding us that He is all we need to be fully satisfied! We completed four truck stops. The girls loved braiding our hair and wanted our accessories, as all girls do! We are learning so much about the Haitian people. They are so hard working and give glory to God through everything. Their faith has been very inspiring and they have been teaching us so much! They have faith through everything, as we should! Our drivers, translators, and “bodyguards” are some of the funniest and most loving guys we have ever met! They are FILLED with energy and We danced and sang in the top top and they loved joking around with us. We are so thankful for them! They work long days and are continually filled with joy and energy. They rely on God’s strength and joy every day, so inspiring!

The team is getting along great and the mothers and daughters are bonding so well!  We have quite the funny crew and are becoming a big family!:) For dinner we had some Haitian pizza, fries, and a cold Coca-Cola! We had the opportunity to relax at a nearby hotel pool.

We can’t wait for tomorrow, we are going to Grace Village, to visit elderly, and a school! We are having a BLAST and cannot wait to continue this journey! God is keeping us all healthy and energized! It’s so exciting to see God working through us and through these Haitians! Continue the prayers for energy, health, and of course for all of the Haitian people!!

Glory to God!

(Written by the lovely, beautiful, funny, amazing, intelligent, caring, dorky, and silly, Kalley and Carly)

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